and this..

These pictures are the most recent. I've also found:
-water bottles lined up around the edge of my round kitchen table
-several sleeves of paper cups lined up from the kitchen to the den
-a fist full of toothbrushes lined up in the hallway window sill
-emptied bookshelf, books lined up end to end in another room
She also used video tapes (yeah we still have those) and cds (removed from their protective cases, thank you very much) and as I type, similarly shaped paint bottles. I used to get upset because it was one more thing I had to clean up. Now, I just marvel at the workings of this 2 year old mind. By the way, genius is not always at work, she still does things like this...
Giggling over your princess antics. It clearly shows she has the ability to keep herself entertained.
She is such a scorch!
Hee hee. Either she's going to grow up to be an engineer or she's waiting for aliens. Either way, I love her!
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