Friday, January 21, 2011

What da...I still have this??

Well 2011 is well under way, ready or not. I spent New Years' Day, cleaning out and organizing my craft room and was overwhelmed at how much stuff I hadn't touched in years! Books with their tantilizing covers beckoned me from their perch at the craft corner @ Barnes & Noble, each promising intellectually stimulating projects. They now mock me, having never been cracked open since their intial viewing prior to purchase! Fabrics, neatly folded in about 6 rubbermaid bins, buttons, grommets, let's not even mention the 151 patterns in my Ravelry queue! I decided at that point, I would do something besides collect fabrics, yarns and books and haven't bought a book or magazine since 12/1/10. Laugh if you must but it is quite an accomplishment since I've been to the crackhouse bookstore at least 6 times already. One project from a different book every month is the goal. I've already made a bunch of curtains (their hanging, pending because small sturdy tension rods are seriously hard to find), and a hanging CD holder that folds up (a girl's gotta have some tunes while craftin'!). I must confess, however, I could not resist the siren call from Joanne's when they had Vogue patterns for $3.99 at the end of the year. I admit I'm a card carrying pattern junkie but I was able to restrain myself and only bought 4. I've gotten as far as cutting 1 pattern out. Here's to getting my stash way down.

On other crafty news, knitterly creations will resume in a couple months. One goal is to finish a pair of socks (sigh) but (cue the whine)I get so bored with it. It's on the list! I've been itching to submit a pattern to Knitscene for Fall 2011. We'll see...

Hope your year's starting off well!


Sheila said...

Happy New Year and good luck on the moratorium. Last year I had decided not to buy clothes for 2010. I did ok for most of the year and fell off the wagon in September. Trying it again for 2011... wish me

Anonymous said...

LOL, I know what you mean about the books! I have to restrain myself too.

Thanks for taking part in Binding Off with me--let's finish these UFOs!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to respond to your comment at my Binding Off page but it keeps kicking back my email. ??

BarbaraG said...

My daughter and her husband gave me a gift certificate to B&N. I need another sewing/craft book like I need a hole in the head! My MIL gave me a gift certificate for last Christmas and I finally spent it when I told you about my 2 new books last fall. I have decided to be a book snob and not spend unless I think I'll die without that book. Do you think I'm fooling myself (ya think???) LOL