Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Glimmer of light on the horizon

Yesterday morning, Mochahantas and I woke up and looked out of the bedroom window. It was the most meaningful sunrise to date. What we saw was a tiny ball of neon orange in the middle of a periwinkle, dusky sky. All symbolic of the my spiritual emergence out of a rather dark New Year thus far. Characteristically, I rise from recumbency, rather begrudgely, with an immediate start to yet another busy morning. Instead, I was blessed with the symbolic kiss on the forehead by my Savior...everything's gonna be alright. Thank you.

On a knitterly note, I have challenged myself to two Ravelymic events. I have yet to cast on a single stitch. I feel like that runner in the Seinfeld episode who miss the Marathon start because the alarm clock didn't go off. Ahhh, life!

Next post to be less philosophical, metaphysical, whatever the proper term descriptive of such a pensive post. Promise.

BTW, thank you for all your thoughts...Dad is safely back in the States.

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