We have had a Festivus miracle of our own here. I am knitting up a cardigan for my MIL's. By the time I finish the front and back, I could tell that the yarn was going to run out. Armed with the yarn band and piece of yarn, I sent DH on a mission. See Hon, you are helpful! In full confidence of completing the project, I knitted up the sleeve. DH returns with many bags from other stops on his errand run. He says nothing as he calming puts things away. I patiently go about mananging the much neglected pile of laundry. As if throwing a hand grenade and ducking for cover, he says in passing, oh, by the way they wasn't anymore yarn, then he's gone! True to his expectation, I cried out incredulous, no more yarn?!? there was gobs of it last week! it's not like it was on sale! all if a sudden everybody wants forest green yarn! if i didn't have bad luck i would have any... in manspeak all he heard was wah, wah, wah, wahwah, wah, wah. So commando that I am, I call every store within, 40 minutes...nobody has it!!! AAARghh! I concede defeat! I send him out to get black yarn, what I'm going to do with it I do not know! 15 minutes later, DH calls back...I found it. I looked really well in the other bins and found it. My hero! mmmmwwaah! It's a Festivus miracle. Now, if I can stitch it together...
other FO's
My Mom's cardi
Pattern: Not You Mother's Coat by Sally Melville
Yarn: Lionbrand Homespun
Needles: Use ISM EON
Modifications: None
Finished: 10 hrs
My fingerless mitts
Pattern: Evangeline by Michelle Szeghalmi
Yarn: Patons SWS
Needles: 8 dpns
Modifications: I did extra repeat for a longer glove
Finished: I was an easy knit, I think it took 9hrs all together.
Hat for me
Pattern: Fake Isle Hat by Amy King
Yarn: Encore chunky and a mystry stash yarn
Needles: 10 circ
Modifications: 2 less repeats at crown design.
Finished: another quick knit, a little big but will do another
On deck: WIP's
Maple Seed Hat by Angela Hahn
Sock It To Me Plain Toe-Up Socks for the Family by Debbi Young
Sounds like your holidays are going great! And thank goodness he went back and looked really really hard!! :oD
Many blessings to you in the New Year!!!
Happy Holidays! Your projects look great and I love the fingerless mitts, which I've been wanting to do.
Hey lady where are you? I need to see an update of that beautiful baby....oh yeah and the knits.
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