Time has come to break the silence. My computer is so slow these days that it's painful to log on. However, I had to take one for readers! My DH and I haven't celebrated Valentine's since the first 2 dozen long stem roses he gave me about a month after we started dating. That was uh,um... o lawd, now I have to do the math...carry the one...srsxkdl...times 2. Ok, 18 years, ya'll. Something about the MAN ain't gonna tell him WHAT TO DO...blah, blah, blah. This year, I decide we'll go to IHOP. Normally, I don't do Denny's or IHOP ever! In fact, they are off the list! However, I think I saw too many of those commercials, you know with the bionic pancakes that never end. I began to really want those doggone pancakes. With kids, it's hard to take them out sometimes. Anywho, we went on Friday...cause who knows, it may be packed on Saturday the 14th (ROTFL). We go at 5pm so not to disturb the daters or couples without children who eat later, you know. This IHOP is pretty empty and we have the left side of the eatery to ourselves, but that's another post. My kids get their usual, chicken fingers and fries (dag is that all kids eat???) and hubby and I order eggs and pancakes. We get coffee. Then our food comes in a delayed fashion, dude it's not busy! No water and no utensils. Hello? Now we gotta wait for Mr SlowBehind to swing back to our side 'cause he's over there chattin' up with Ms Thang. When I tell him we need water and utensils, he comes by with one glass. SIGH Maybe, it's the economy, maybe we were supposed to share it, I don't know. I guess I take for granted that I can turn on the faucet and get water anytime I want. Must be different in the restaurant business. I said, no, we all need water. In spite of Ms Diva's attempts at the hot coffee, I manage to put a hurtin' on my plate. I did notice that my pancakes were not filling in like on the commercial. I kept eating and waiting but the 2 stack only got smaller with each bite. So when there was nothing but plate, we requested more. Waiting and waiting and waiting, by now Ms Diva is pulling everything off the table and the boys who have slucked down their deep fried meal are all over the bench seat picking at each other. Still waiting... Mr Slowbehind musta been coached on the "all you can eat pancake" thing because we didn't see him for 20 minutes! "You figure since they have this special, that the pancake would be mixed and ready to go" says DH. I mumbled to him as I accordian folded the pancake and shoved it down my gullet, "this place is back off the list!"
I made my own delicious pancakes this morning....
...from mix to plate...10 minutes.
BTW, my 4yr old, Thing 2 threw up a lung that night. Just sayin...
Nothing like home made pancakes...lol
Now THAT was funny!! And confirmed you will never go back to IHOP as you initially declared! :oD
Always nice to have A la Sheila Pancakes 10 mins STAT!
Thx for hollerin at us woman! :o)
That is too damn funny!!
I HATE IHOP with a passion. There is always a funny smell in there. At every IHOP I go to. Its like a wet mop/carpet. Something.
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