Saturday, June 13, 2009

FO's, FO's, FO's

Free pattern from Berroco. It was a quick knit. I used 12 balls of Lion Brand Lanscapes...I couldn't resist at $2 bucks a ball. I've already worn the jacket a couple of times. My only regret is that I didn't make it long and it is a bit wide for my 5' 3" frame. My mods: I did make the sleeves longer. These are at my elbow. And I have 2 button holes instead of one.

Baby February Sweater- Elizabeth Zimmermann

Modeled by Ms Diva aka Mochahantas

I used a partial skein of yarns from Interlacements. Mods, just added more buttons at center front. I also did the sleeves in the round so there'd be nothing to sew up when I was finish. I love the colors, I love the sweater, I would definitely do more in the future


Kamika said...

Oh my goodness, she's so gorgeous! Love the sweater too!

Virtuous said...

Great sweaters for both the pretty ladies!! ;o)

Nimbus is one I would luv to knit up!

Sheila said...

Lovely sweaters and your daughter is a total gem.

Knitaholictoo said...

Thnk you thank you! I'm temporarily offline because the computer crashed! All my info, email addys, fav spots...locked in my HP, I just want to scream! *Sigh* more time for knitting time I guess.