The fam and I did a road trip down to South Carolina to visit Grandma. Though chilly, it was lovely not to have a bunch of bulkiness on. 70 degrees on the final days of our stay, made me wish we lived there. Imagine our shock and dismay when we had to wear coats to church on Easter Sunday. Why is it sooo cold still??? We were just at the beach 24 hours ago!!! It was a loooooong drive, especially with the kiddos. We are definitely looking into other traveling options. Sigh... that's 5 plane tickets! Might have to give up some yarn for that. Hmmm, Grandma? yarn? Grandma? yarn? I'll have to let you know how it turns out.
In the meantime, my knitting hiatus has ended and knitting has resumed. I finally finished Ms. Diva's Pinwheel Jacket. So with out further ado...Ms Diva strikes a pose.
...and now for some yarn p.o.r.n
I feel soooo dirty...tired...drab
Oooh, sooo b a a a d...flaming red
Uh huh, that's's getting hot in here...
I'm blushing...rusty red!
OOH what a great trip down SOUF!! ;op
And OMG!!! Diva is such a DOLL!!!!!! Luv your pinwheel you did for her!!
Great dyeing job too! So good to read your updates!! :o)
Funny @ Down Souf. Ms.Diva is definitely rocking that pinwheel sweater and she looks absolutely adorable.
That pinwheel is too darling and Ms. Diva is rocking it like the diva she is!
Man the weather is blowing me.
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