I was already to be poised with my basket of UFO's (unfinished objects) in front of the "big" TV. I made a big pot of chili for my husband...a Red Baron pizza was in the oven for the kids...I was not to be disturb during the 4-hour KNITTY GRITTY marathon that was to be mine!!! Ok, so I would have to knit in the cold, cold basement, alone clicking away. It's a
marathon, I giggled to myself as I whispered a silent thank you Heavenward. Click, the TV screen buzzed as it grew brighter. As I rubbed my already cold knuckles, I waited in anticipation for that familiar redhead...what the
&%*$) who the
(%&*#^ is this (
$&%*^#. Calm down, maybe it's not quite 5 o'clock yet.
FIIIIVVE yet! Trying to contain the anxiety edging ever closer to my throat, I swallowed nervously. Phew...it was only 4:59, though I could feel a strong sense of denial coming on. Of course they would cut this show that just started for the promised marathon! Why, I sat wide eyed at the advertising for it all week. CABLEVISION would not do this to us...the rationalizations went on. Surely it is after 5 by now, yet this female crocodile hunter seems to taunt me during
my KNITTY GRITTY marathon! So I went online. Saddened no
sickened to learn that the marathon would be on
DIY network
not HGTV. Cruel...cruel bastids. Sigh...so now I have to do stuff I've been putting off. But alas I blog and eat a piece of the RED BARON pizza.
So I got that Berrocco coat all finished....What a
horrible fit!!! I didn't even bother with taking a picture with it on!
GRRRRRRR! I immediately took that sucker apart. I've started knitting a jacket from the Fall 2005 VOGUE. Here it is in all its ugly glory!

Here's the new Vogue jacket I've already started. The sleeves are already done. It's got cable work down by the cuff which may be hard to see.

I will put it away for now. I had to make a quick pair of mittens (Lion Pride, I think) to feel some sense of accomplishment. Though I'm not lovin the pointy tips, for my first pair it turned out good.

I'm going to do some sewing projects to get away from the knitting awhile. Aiyee, she so lonely!!
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