Normally, I would just bag 'em up and drop 'em off at Goodwill. This time I thought I would do something different. I could cut 'em up and make a patchwork picnic blanket. Seriously though, who was I kidding. I don't do picnics, don't like sitting in the grass, I don't hike. Yeah, that would not work. So, I went stash diving and came up with this.
The pattern- Vogue 1036
I've had it a could of years now and it was time to cut it up and give it a whirl.
First off, the pattern is broad shouldered and looks like it was designed to have shoulder pads (hello the 80's called and they want their pads back). I had to take it in 2" to bring it to my real shoulders then, I pushed on. I opened pant legs, and place pattern pieces on various washes. I sewed, I topstitched, I pressed, I hammered. Finally the pay off! Don dona don....
I opted for a center front metal zipper instead of snaps.
I'm not convinced that I like that light wash strip in the front or at the bottom hem. I'm thinking of dyeing the whole jacket. Still debating, though.
My favorite part of the whole jacket ; )
Um, I like that I used the outseam of the jeans for the sleeves.
THE VERDICT: All in all, it was really a fun project. I'm most proud of not using any new fabrics. Now, the jacket languishes in the closet till the fall. I can see it now, a black turtleneck, plaid A-line skirt and black leather boots. Ooooh, it can come fast enough!